Member-only story
Invisibility is considered a superpower by those unacquainted with being invisible to the world.
Existential isolation is a profoundly harrowing self-destructive experience, where feeling disconnected and invisible to the social world is the norm.
What makes this existential concept utterly soul-destroying is, the problem is outlined in indelible ink.
After two decades of listening to thousands of people share thier deepest secrets and hardship oiled my understanding of the hidden pain. Doing time in misery is a lonely place, I can vividly recall the indescribable sorrow I felt towards myself which was rooted in the clutch of invisibility, which has a name, Existential isolation.
I’m a fan of Irvine Yolam and this quote makes sense to me
“Existential isolation impregnates the “paste of things” and hides within our lived experience, and we experience only a world of everydayness and routine activities. “We are lulled into a sense of cosy, familiar belongingness; the primordial world of vast emptiness and isolation is buried and silenced, only to speak in brief bursts, during nightmares and mythic visions.”
Adolescence finally gave me something to trade with the social world and low cut tops became my shortcut to attention/visibility which ironically made me cringe and run for shelter.
The attention from others repulsed me and the fear of their scrutiny made me squirm in shame. I’d scutter back to the…