Don’t take things personally
We have greater control to how our lives unravel than we give ourselves credit.
Have you ever considered your experience of reality is, self created?
Like an inner dream, that’s one hell of a thought.
Imagine for a moment, how you think about life, shapes how you engage in life, and all the characters in your life are part of your dream?
We really do get what we expect.
Yet, at the same time, nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do, is a projection of their reality. Other peoples opinions and actions are nothing to do with you. When you really feel this notion you can reduce a lot of suffering for yourself and others.
The biggest issues I’ve encountered in relationships are down to my expectations and the other person’s expectations, It works both ways of course.
We have relationships with others and unconsciously draw up contracts with the other person. We don’t tell the other party about our unconscious contracts and rules, but get really pissed off when they don’t live up to our rules.
We have an unconscious rules dominating our lives making it chaotically painful. the Key point (AWARENESS)
An unconscious rule might be, “you must text me every morning if you love me”if the other person is not aware of the rule they are likely to disappoint you. It’s almost funny when you think about.
We unconsciously make up rules without informing the other person of the contractual rules and then get upset or feel rejected when they fail to perform to the rules.
When people enter relationships expecting not to be liked or loved and focus their attention to search for evidence to back up their expectation, to the exclusion of other behaviours displayed, which is often contrary to what we expect.
What is your biggest fear?
Consider this fear and the world around you is your stage, and all the characters and repeating dramas in your life are playing out your fear(s), your dream is being projecting onto the biggest cinema screen known to man, which is life itself.
it’s a fascinating thought, isn’t it?
How are you screwing yourself and blaming others for your mishaps?
Awareness, alongside a curious scrutiny of one’s beliefs, assumptions and beliefs, is an empowering way to navigate this wild adventure, with a greater sense of clarity and self-trust.
Change the ride, change the rules. When you feel this in your heart…… it’s almost funny!
Cause yourself some anarchy, stir yourself up…. Be fearless step into your soul and become your modern warrior, with the wisdom of the ancient shamans on your heart.
if you’re going to MAKE YOUR OWN RULES- then chose them wisely and consider the impact of these rules with respect to your ecology. (The systems we live within)
Ask yourself
Will this expectation work for me?
How might it be an issue?
Oh, for fuck’s sake, THINK, in a way to that allows you to be who you truly are.
big love
Alexia Elliott X
Jungian Inspired Hypnotherapist, Sacred Clown & Storyteller.
What are your thoughts?